% ALU operation with two operands (AND, OR, XOR, ADD) % #1 the 8-bit first input to use (alu_a_to_1, alu_b_to_1, alu_c_to_1) % #2 the 8-bit second input to use (alu_a_to_2, alu_b_to_2, alu_c_to_2) % #3 the operation to perform % #4 the 8-bit output to use (ld_a, ld_b, ld_c, ld_mem) % #5 optional select line for e.g. memory addressing inhibit_i inhibit_i inhibit_i inhibit_i #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 bc_load #1 #2 #3 #5 0 reset inhibit_i